254: How to Get Involved in the 2024 Election, with Sam Chavez

254: How to Get Involved in the 2024 Election, with Sam Chavez


This episode is for all of you who may think: “My vote doesn’t matter.” “I don’t vote.” “I would get involved but I don’t know how or where to volunteer.” “I don’t have any special election-related skills.” Or anything along those lines. You may have even said this out loud, or you may have heard friends or family say this. Either way, this is for you. 

We said in our email this week that we were getting ready to dive into Election 2024 - because “I’m not political” or “I don’t talk about politics” is NOT going to cut it; these days, politics is invading our libraries, schools, wallets and bodies and those of our children as well.  

So we bring you an incredible activist and supporter of activists, who will leave you with not only the best approach to engage people in your life who say they don’t do politics but also a bunch of organizations you can get involved with between now and November that we think will make a huge difference to the trajectory of our nation. 

PS, if you aren’t yet on our email list, what are you thinking!?  Get on it!  Register at www.dearwhitewomen.com.

What to listen for: 

About Sam: 

Sam Chavez is a queer, Latine, New Mexican American activist who’s passionate about a livable planet, belonging, and equitable societies. She founded The Roots of Change Agency to harness her storytelling and decades of marketing experience to cultivate connections that lead to lasting social change. She does this through strategic coaching, workshops, podcasting, and writing.

Link to last week’s episode HERE.


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